YOWfactor - Positively Marketing. Fiercely Independent.

Positively Marketing.
Fiercely Independent.

YOWfactor stands for excellence in digital planning and execution.
Driven by a holistic approach to successfully deliver digital products.

About Me

🤘 Hi, I’m YOWfactor, but you can call me Yves.  
🔥 I'm a technology-savvy Marketing & Solution Architect with entrepreneurial spirit.  
👀 I’m interested in all things Technology & Innovation.  
🌱 I’m currently learning Ruby & JavaScript.  
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on projects that feature advanced digital solutions.  
📫 You can reach me at https://calendly.com/yowfactor/consultation.

Get In Touch If

💡 You need someone turning your vision into a digital business model.  
💾 You need someone getting your development project on the right track.  
🚀 You need someone to get your marketing off the ground successfully.


​​Hello Friend,

My name is Yves and I'm a self-employed Marketing & Solution Architect. I help organizations to become more successful through innovation, technology, and marketing. As an independent Project Lead, I plan and execute digital projects for startups and corporations to successfully innovate their business models. I specialize in Project Delivery, Data-Driven Marketing, and Ecommerce to drive maximum business impact.

I combine marketing and technology expertise with successful leadership and a proven track record of client acquisition and retention. Long-standing experience in customer and project management. Hands-on skills in various digital marketing and project management disciplines.

I support clients with my expertise on a Marketing as a Service basis and can act as an interim CMO to jump-start your Digital Marketing. I guide foreign companies in launching their Go-To-Market strategy in Germany/DACH/Europe. I act as an independent advisor for the successful planning and implementation of your digital marketing strategy.

I work with a team of Technologists, Creatives, and Marketers that helps startups and businesses to jump-start their digital brand and scale their digital distribution with a strong focus on the consumer frontend and a headless backend approach.I operate on a holistic approach by relying on a growing network of selected and competent partners composed of freelancers, agencies, and software providers to cover the most important aspects of the digital customer journey including technology and creative services, with a strong focus on execution.

I recently finished my 6-month Coding Bootcamp at Le Wagon in Berlin by developing my first web app. I'm strengthening my technological skills to leverage the use of software, technology, and innovation. Proud member of the Factory Berlin and Le Wagon communities.

I currently focus especially on the following areas:

- Headless CMS and Commerce solutions
- MVP Development for web/cloud-based applications
- Server Side Tracking with focus on the Google Platform

At the moment I'm in charge of digital projects for the https://www.europeanfilmacademy.org/, organizing the marketing efforts of rising cryptocurrency https://www.nimiq.com/, and helping jump start the MVP of https://muprotocol.io/. At Mu Protocol I'm in charge of organizing the developer team and focus on creating a MVP. At Nimiq I'm responsible for the website development and for building a crypto map. At the European Film Academy I'm leading the development of the new member app and setting up a new CRM solution.If you're interested in working together, please get in touch to discuss your projects further. You can schedule a consultation at https://calendly.com/yowfactor/consultation.



Do Something
Great Together.

Let's start a conversation and discuss ideas.

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YOWfactor - Let's meet!